Saturday 31 July 2010

Kraton Sekaten Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat

Hadiningrat Ngayogyakarta Kraton, Yogyakarta, INDONESIA

In the area of Yogyakarta Municipality, there were ceremonies called Sekaten or better known as Pasar Malam Perayaan Sekaten Sekaten because before the ceremony was held the night market activity in advance for one full month. Tradition existing since the time of the Demak Kingdom (16th century) is held once a year in Mawlood, the third month in a year of Java, by taking the location in the court or the North Square of the Palace Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat.
The origin of the term Sekaten developed in several versions. There is an opinion that comes from the word Sekaten Sekati, which is the name of two devices in the form of inheritance Kraton Gamelan Kyai Kanjeng Sekati called a beaten in the series of commemorations Maulud Prophet Muhammad. Another opinion says that Sekaten derived from the wordlove and ati (like hearts, happy) because the people are welcoming the day with gratitude Mawlood and happy carnival celebrations in the North Square.
Another opinion says that the word comes from the word Sekaten syahadataini, two sentences in the Islamic Creed, the creed taukhid (Asyhadu alla ila-ha-ilallah) which means "I testify that there is no God but Allah" and the apostle's creed (Waasyhadu anna Muhammadarrosululloh) which means "I testify that Muhammad Messenger of Allah."
Sekaten ceremony is considered as a synthesis between Islamic missionary activity and the arts. At the start of the spread of Islam in Java, one of Wali Songo, Sunan Kalijaga ie, using the arts gamelan (Javanese gamelan) to lure the public to come to enjoy the performance -karawitanit by using two sets of gamelan Kyai Kanjeng Sekati. In between performances, sermons and readings performed verses of the holy Qur'an. For those who are determined to embrace the Islamic religion, is obliged to say the phrase 'Creed, as a statement of adherence to the teachings of Islam.
Among people in Yogyakarta and its surroundings, appearing belief that by celebrating the birthday of Prophet Muhammad, the concerned will get a reward from the Exalted, and blessed with eternal youth. As a condition, they should be on page menguyah betel Great Mosque in Yogyakarta, especially on the first day Sekaten commencement celebration. Therefore, during the celebration, many people sell betel nut with a brew, savory rice and side-dishes in the yard Kemandungan, in North Square or in front of the Great Mosque of Yogyakarta. For the farmers, on this occasion also apply to crops that will come success. To strengthen this determination, they bought a whip to take home.
Before the ceremony held Sekaten, held two kinds of preparations, namely the physical and spiritual preparation. Physical preparation in the form of equipment and supplies Sekaten ceremony, namely Gamelan Sekaten, gendhing Sekaten, some coin, some flowers kanthil, dress uniforms Sekaten, Samir for musicians, and other supplies, as well as history texts Maulud Prophet Muhammad.
Gamelan Sekaten is Kraton heirloom called Kyai Kanjeng Sekati in two dynamic, ie Kanjeng Nogowilogo Kyai Guntur Madu and Kyai Kanjeng. Gamelan Sekaten Sunan Giri was made by an expert in the art of musical and so-called gamelan with pelog barrel which was first created. Bat tool made from ox horn or buffalo horn and to be able to produce the sound loud and clear punch, bat must be lifted as high as the forehead before dipuk in each gamelan.
While the piece is a series of songs gendhing Sekaten used, thesigns pathet five, Rangkung pathet five, Lunggadhung pelog pathet five, Arrange-set pathet nem, Andong-andong pathet five, Rendheng pathet five, Jaumi pathet five, Gliyung pathet nem, Salatun pathet nem, Dhindhang Sabinah pathet em, white Muru, Latter-aring pathet nem, Ngajatun pathet nem, Batem Tour pathet nem, Supiatun pathet goods, and burnt Srundeng pelog pathet goods.
For spiritual preparation, done shortly before Sekaten. The sultan's palace servants in the palace who later involved in the solemnization of mental and spiritual preparation for developing such a sacred task. Especially in charge of the servants in the palace gamelan Sekaten hitting, they purify themselves by fasting and flush jamas.
Sekaten commenced on 6 Mawlood (Rabiulawal) during the afternoon by removing the gamelan Kyai Kanjeng Sekati from where persemayamannya, Kyai Kanjeng Nogowilogo placed in Ward Trajumas and Kyai Guntur Madu Kanjeng in Ward Srimanganti. Two army soldiers guarded servants in the palace gamelan heritage, namely, soldiers and soldiers Ketanggung Mantrijero. On page Kemandungan or Keben, many people sell wuduk kinang and rice.
Remove the Isha prayer time, the servants in the palace who served in the ward, provide reports to the Sultan that the ceremony was ready to begin. Once there was an order from the Sultan through the servants in the palace that was sent, then began the ceremony with the sounds of gamelan Kanjeng Sekaten Sekati Kyai.
The first rung is Kanjeng Kyai Guntur Madu with mixing gendhing pathet gangsal, dhawah gendhing signs. Following that sounded Gamelan Kyai Kanjeng Nogowilogo with mixing gendhing pathet gangsal, dhawah gendhing signs. Thus sounded alternately between Kanjeng Kyai Guntur Madu and Kyai Kanjeng Nogowilogo. In the middle piece, the Sultan came over and made a soft piece till the Sultan left the two wards. Previously, the Sultan (or vice-Sultan) sow-udhik udhik in front of the gate Danapertapa, Srimanganti ward, and ward Trajumas.
Exactly at 24.00 pm, the orchestra moved to the yard Sekaten Great Mosque of Yogyakarta with servants in the palace escorted by two army soldiers and Ketanggung Mantrijero. Kyai Guntur Madu Kanjeng pagongan placed in the south of the Great Mosque gapuran pages and Kanjeng Kyai pagongan Nogowilogo in the north. In the courtyard of the mosque, the gamelan Sekaten rung continuously day and night for six consecutive days, except on Friday night until after prayers Friday afternoon.
On December 11 Mawlood (Rabiulawal), starting at 20:00 pm, the Sultan came to the Grand Mosque to attend the ceremony Maulud Prophet Muhammad in the form of the reading of the manuscript history of Maulud Prophet, which was read by Kyai Pengulu. The ceremony was completed at 24.00 pm, and after all is finished, the device returns from gamelan Sekaten trafficked pages into the Great Mosque of Sultan Palace. This transfer is a sign that Sekaten ceremony has ended.