Wednesday 14 July 2010

Imogiri batik jogja

 Imogiri batik jogja

It's early, the clock has not yet pointed to a number nine. About thirty people sitting in a circle of women in some groups turned to each other with each other, each facing sheet of white cloth that has not been filled with motifs. Turning occasionally dipping their canting into a pan of the night (for the batik wax) of liquid placed on a small stove in their midst. Small talk every now and then color the atmosphere flowing in long huts on the edge of the road to the royal tombs in Pajimatan, Village Girirejo, Imogiri subdistrict, Bantul District, Yogyakarta Special Region.

All of the batik in that place were women and most are middle-aged. Only saw three young men who participated batik. They recently graduated high school. It's generally young children in the region Imogiri, DI Yogyakarta batik business has been reluctant to proceed as it had been carried out by their families for generations. Although widely known Imogiri batik to foreign countries, but conditions in the home of batik was made quite alarming. The crafters themselves worry that the current generation of batik is now passed the batik tradition Imogiri would recede and then disappear.
"It is in schools from elementary to high school there was a lesson in Imogiri batik, but yes it's just the basics," said Mother Sumarman (53), a worker who claimed to have used batik batik since he sat on the bench first class elementary school. "But yes just to just know it, after that not many young kids who are serious about making batik", he added. Most of them prefer to work in city or other jobs, but not the batik crafters.
The process of making batik is a very long and require little capital that does not make a lot of people who could not pursue this business. Most residents in Imogiri Girirejo Wukirsari and even just being a batik workers. They took the cloth of batik (batik) and did the process of batik in their homes. The process that they do only nyerat (batik pattern with night). After that they sold it to businessman batik cloth for an average of USD 75 000 selembarnya, depending on the complexity of motives that dibatik. Batik businessman who was later to continue the next process, namely immersion to be a ready-made batik cloth. One sheet of fabric dye costs an average of Rp 100,000 and up to now Imogiri batik entrepreneurs can not do it alone. They should take him to places in the city of Yogyakarta batik dyeing. Fair if the price of a piece of batik cloth for an average of hundreds of thousands of rupiah.

"The process of batik making was not just short. One sheet of batik cloth measuring about 1 meter x 2.5 meter can only be completed between two weeks to two months, depending on the complexity of motives, "continued Mrs. Sumarman," with a long time and income that was not how it makes less and less people are attracted to batik crafters. "Meanwhile, employers memburuhkan batik cloth dibatik empty for crafters and sell it after so were faced with obstacles that are not less complicated. In addition to big capital, is also necessary diligence. Currently there are only two employers in Imogiri batik, which is the business managed by mother and mother Sumarman Sarjuni.

Raised again pascagempa Imogiri batik jogja

Raised again pascagempa Imogiri batik jogja

The earthquake which devastated large parts of Bantul District on Saturday morning, May 27, 2006 which then inevitably make batik handicraft business that has been dormant Imogiri was threatened worse off. From the data Bakornas (June 2006), were recorded from some 15 258 families (families) in Imogiri, 72.2% KK house heavily damaged by the earthquake. A total of 11 018 such homes heavily damaged or destroyed. DI Yogyakarta Satkorlak Data as of June 10, 2006 also recorded a death toll of 318 people in this district.
However, even after the tragedy the earthquake happened, the attention to re-up efforts are gaining momentum Imogiri batik. Is Ir. Dra. Larasati Suliantoro Sulaiman, Chairman of the Society of Indonesian Batik Lovers "Sekar Jagad", which directly immediately see to it that the batik crafters can go back to work soon after the earthquake occurred. Within a week after the earthquake, the 72-year-old woman who was intimately called Mother Suli managed to collect some batik artisans to re-invigorate the batik business. Starting from only eight people, followed by craftsmen in the first week, at the end of July 2006 had about 40 people participated batik crafters in a skeleton pascagempa Imogiri batik revitalization program. Here they worked from 8 o'clock in the morning until 2 o'clock in the afternoon with a system of wages amounting to Rp 7,500 per day for a versatile batik and Rp 5,000 per day for regular batik.

Suli's mother not only seeks to collect in Imogiri batik crafters, but also attempted to gather support from various parties, organizations and individuals, to revive batik Imogiri. Countless other Batik Lovers Society "Sekar Jagad" which he led, Jogja Heritage Society, Yayasan Batik Indonesia, Losari Foundation, Center for Heritage Conservation Department of Architecture and Planning Faculty of Engineering, University of Gadjah Mada (CHC MILLION FT-UGM) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia Heritage Trust, Mayasari Indonesia, Jogja Nila, and Agricultural Institute (Intan) Yogyakarta jointly held a program titled "Revitalization in Imogiri Batik" which is one part of the program "Generate Back Jogja Heritage People". The main activities undertaken are data collection and batik crafters Bantulan profile, activities batik, batik tiban and markets, as well as batik workshop for the general public. The whole series of activities were centered in a simple hut in a former diner Pajimatan Hamlet, Village Girirejo, Imogiri. For a while, this batik tiban market expected to be a substitute for the museum batik Batik Museum Environment Ciptowening heavily damaged by the earthquake. Here have provided a batik fabric and equipment, so that the craftsmen had just come and batik.

"Actually there are several other areas that are also trying to craft other than the business generated Imogiri, as in Pandak, Jetis, and Tanggep in Gunungkidul. Each region there penanggungjawabnya and I get a task to assist the business in this Imogiri, "explained mother Suli. According to him, this program aims to make the efforts in Imogiri batik is still running. He claimed at least until the end of July 2006 this turnover of batik in this refugee numbers have reached USD 50 million. The buyers come directly to the location of this workshop. In addition, these programs also tend to make the coloring process of batik (dyeing) in Imogiri could develop independently. So far, the dyeing process can not be done alone. To that end, the class also held natural coloring that can be followed by the batik crafters and the general public to know the kinds of plants that can be used to dye batik and natural dyeing techniques. This class was accompanied by several staff from Intan Yogyakarta.

"Incidentally I also pioneered the founding of the Museum Batik batik Ciptowening and as a lover has since more than 50 years ago has a good relationship with the batik crafters here," continued the woman who is also Chairman of the Public Service Institute (LPM) Intan Yogyakarta. This program for three months he ancangkan while getting the repair process Ciptowening Batik Museum Environment which will be assisted by the Foundation began in August 2006 Losari this. The plan, if later the Museum Ciptowening been able to return to open, the area used during this workshop that will still serve as a tourist attraction of batik. "A lot of people like batik, but rarely anyone would consider how to preserve much less expanding it," said award recipient in 1996 Kalpataru national level further.